Sunday, April 22, 2012

Inspired By Allison AFTER her Makeover

Inspired By Allison AFTER her Makeover
At the end of the movie, Claire gives Allison a makeover where she removes all her dark eyeliner  and does her hair. Many people found this as a betrayal, however I enjoyed it and thought they did a great job. I chose the shirt because I feel it was a more modern version of the one below. The jeans are glittery so they have that femine look, even though in the movie Allison keeps on the same skirt. The headband Allison wears is A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E, so I wanted to do something similar. I felt the shoes were very '80s, and matched the outfit so I picked them. When Allison and Andy are walking out, you can see her wearing his dark blue hoodie on her shoulders, so I thought the baby blue one was a cute substitute.

Forever 21 top
$7.80 -

Forever 21 jeans
$19 -

Forever 21 oxford
$23 -

Forever 21 hair accessory
$1.50 -

Aero 1987 Terry Full-Zip Hoodie
$25 -

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